Free Ebook What They Didn't Teach You in Russian Class: Slang Phrases for the Cafe, Club, Bar, Bedroom, Ball Game and More (Dirty Everyday Slang)
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What They Didn't Teach You in Russian Class: Slang Phrases for the Cafe, Club, Bar, Bedroom, Ball Game and More (Dirty Everyday Slang)
Free Ebook What They Didn't Teach You in Russian Class: Slang Phrases for the Cafe, Club, Bar, Bedroom, Ball Game and More (Dirty Everyday Slang)
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About the Author
Erin Coyne holds various degrees in Russian-related fields from Fordham University, Georgetown University, and UC Berkeley, where she is currently making depressingly slow progress on a PhD in Slavic Linguistics while teaching Russian classes on the side. In a former life, she served as a Peace Corps volunteer and later worked as an NGO program director which, for better or for worse, exiled her to nearly ten long years in the former Soviet Union. Her interests include yoga, long, alcohol-fueled train rides through Eastern Europe, and TV. Lots and lots of TV. In addition to English and Russian, Erin speaks six other languages with varying degrees of successIgor Fisun is a native of Kiev, Ukraine, which, in moments of nationalist pride, he prefers to spell Kyiv. He is a former student of Kiev PTU where he quickly abandoned all interest in ever holding down a real job and instead embarked upon a career in freelance engraving. His native languages are Russian and Ukrainian, and he hopes someday to learn English well enough to talk his way out of a traffic ticket. His interests include cooking, Japanese art, cheap wine, and pissing people off on internet forums. He is ridiculously proud of his orchid collection.
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Product details
Series: Dirty Everyday Slang
Hardcover: 224 pages
Publisher: Ulysses Press; Second edition (October 15, 2017)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1612436773
ISBN-13: 978-1612436777
Product Dimensions:
4.2 x 0.5 x 6.2 inches
Shipping Weight: 7.8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
3.3 out of 5 stars
5 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#479,821 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
Definitely not a book for anyone who doesn't already have a firm grasp of Russian. Coyne and Fisun make sure to point out that caution needs to be exercised when using some slang words, which I very much appreciate. It's a book that's up to date with our modern world, so while it's definitely full of cursing, it's also full of phrases for talking about smartphones and more political matters. I would say this guide is a good mix of conversational Russian and curse words/more obscene slang. The pronunciation and grammatical reminders are useful and ensure that any phrase you utter is uttered correctly. I also really appreciated the interjections about cultural differences between Americans and Russians, which would help anyone navigate social situations. It's a pretty comprehensive guide, but again, definitely not for someone who doesn't know any Russian.
I checked it out from my local library, but liked it so much I had to get a copy to keep.
Not sure what the one star reviews are going on about. If you're a student of the language, you'll likely appreciate this book.
Impulse shopping at B&N. Should have known better. I bought a book on language, not a political pamphlet. Why on earth would you write a book on Russian language and bash Russians? Embarrasing!
Don't waste your money. Totally unworthy. The authors try to pretend that they know Russian culture and slung whereas they are clueless.
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